Assembly & instructions

Hier bekommst du eine Anleitung damit du deinen Umwerfer einstellen kannst. Hier erfährst du auch wie du das ganz einfach und mit wenigen Hilfsmitteln machen kannst.

Set the derailleur: easy instructions - so you ...

In this simple guide, I will show you step by step how to adjust your derailleur correctly. With video instructions and how-to images for the correct adjustment of your circuit...

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Set the derailleur: easy instructions - so you ...

In this simple guide, I will show you step by step how to adjust your derailleur correctly. With video instructions and how-to images for the correct adjustment of your circuit...

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Ein hilfreicher Artikel um deinen Fahrradsattel richtig einzustellen. Das benötigst du, damit du deinen Sattel perfekt einstellen kannst.

Adjust the guide bicycle saddle: height and inc...

In this comprehensive how-to-guide, I will show you step by step how to set your bike saddle correctly. With video instructions and pictures to illustrate!

Adjust the guide bicycle saddle: height and inc...

In this comprehensive how-to-guide, I will show you step by step how to set your bike saddle correctly. With video instructions and pictures to illustrate!

Ein hilfreicher Artikel um deinen Fahrradschlauch zu reparieren. Damit du das einfach durchführen kannst befolge einfach dies Anleitung und benutze dazu diese Utensilien.

Patch bike hose: simple instructions with video

Bicycle hose patch in a few steps ✓ Helpful [video] instructions for a quick bike hose patch ✓ Repair bicycle hose yourself

Patch bike hose: simple instructions with video

Bicycle hose patch in a few steps ✓ Helpful [video] instructions for a quick bike hose patch ✓ Repair bicycle hose yourself

Fahrradschlauch wechseln: einfach und schnell mit Anleitung

Change bike hose: easy and quick with instructions

So it succeeds! Change bike hose in an understandable & clear explanation ✓ Helpful [video] instructions change to bike hose ✓ Change bike hose yourself

Change bike hose: easy and quick with instructions

So it succeeds! Change bike hose in an understandable & clear explanation ✓ Helpful [video] instructions change to bike hose ✓ Change bike hose yourself

Fahrradreifen wechseln und montieren: Anleitung und Tipps

Change and assemble bicycle tires: instructions...

That's how it works! Change bike tires easily & understandably explained ✓ Useful [video] instructions for bicycle mature change ✓ Simply mount bike coat

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Change and assemble bicycle tires: instructions...

That's how it works! Change bike tires easily & understandably explained ✓ Useful [video] instructions for bicycle mature change ✓ Simply mount bike coat

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Fahrrad aufpumpen: Hilfreiche Anleitung & Infos

Pump up a bike: Helpful instructions & information

Flow up bicycle tires easily & understandably explained ✓ Flow up with different bicycle types ✓ Helpful [video] instructions on the bike

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Pump up a bike: Helpful instructions & information

Flow up bicycle tires easily & understandably explained ✓ Flow up with different bicycle types ✓ Helpful [video] instructions on the bike

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