Assembly & instructions

V-Brake richtig einstellen - Anleitung für deine Felgenbremse

Set V -Brake correctly - instructions for your ...

In my detailed instructions, I will show you how to adjust your V-Brake correctly and wait.

Set V -Brake correctly - instructions for your ...

In my detailed instructions, I will show you how to adjust your V-Brake correctly and wait.

Fahrrad Sitzposition ordentlich, auf deine Größe einstellen und anpassen.

The correct seating position on the bike - comp...

In this detailed guide, I will show you step by step how to find your correct seating position on the bike and set perfectly. No matter whether city bike, mountain...

The correct seating position on the bike - comp...

In this detailed guide, I will show you step by step how to find your correct seating position on the bike and set perfectly. No matter whether city bike, mountain...

Fahrradpedale wechseln - Pedale schnell & einfach montieren

Change bike pedals - fast & easy to mount pedals

In this guide, I show you step by step how you can easily change your bicycle pedals. With my practical video instructions and my helpful tips and tricks, the pedal...

Change bike pedals - fast & easy to mount pedals

In this guide, I show you step by step how you can easily change your bicycle pedals. With my practical video instructions and my helpful tips and tricks, the pedal...

Hier bekommst du eine Anleitung damit du deine Fahrradkette reinigen kannst. Hier erfährst du auch wie du das ganz einfach und mit wenigen Hilfsmitteln machen kannst.

Clean the bicycle chain: Instructions for the p...

In this simple guide, I will show you step by step how you can professionally clean your bicycle chain. With video instructions and how-to pictures for a clean and oiled...

Clean the bicycle chain: Instructions for the p...

In this simple guide, I will show you step by step how you can professionally clean your bicycle chain. With video instructions and how-to pictures for a clean and oiled...

✔VIDEOANLEITUNGEN ✔benötigte Utensilien ✔Fahrrad Schaltung einstellen ✔Kettenschaltung einstellen ✔schnelle Anleitung ✔Erklärungen mit Bildern

Set bicycle circuit: perfect setting of your ch...

In this guide, I give you a brief overview of how you can easily set your own bike circuit yourself. In addition, you will also find two video instructions for...

Set bicycle circuit: perfect setting of your ch...

In this guide, I give you a brief overview of how you can easily set your own bike circuit yourself. In addition, you will also find two video instructions for...